Presented papers: peer-reviewed conference papers


Jul 2024: Swansea University (UK) ‘Class, Affective Homogenisation and Societal Loss’ (co-authored). Association for Social and Political Philosophy  (ASPP) 2024.

Jun 2024: University of Lisbon and NOVA University (Portugal) ‘Class, Affective Homogenisation and Societal Loss’ (co-authored). European Philosophical Society for the Study of Emotions Annual Conference (EPSSE) 2024.

Sep 2022:      MANCEPT workshops 2022, Manchester (UK). ‘Collective nostalgic attention, epistemic injustice, and working-class political recognition’ (co-authored)Collective Nostalgia panel .

Jul 2022:        St. Andrews (UK): ‘Revisiting Hawley’s ameliorative project’. The Katherine Hawley Memorial Symposium.

Jun 2022:      Corvallis, Oregon (online). ‘Working-Class Academics and Imposter Syndrome’. Working Class Studies Association
Annual Conference.

Jan 2022:        Baltimore (USA / online). ‘Poverty, Meritocracy and Epistemic Injustice’ (co-authored). Political Epistemology Network session at the Eastern APA.


Aug 2021:       University of California, San Diego (USA / online). ‘A conceptual analysis of impostor syndrome’Social Ontology 2021.

Jun 2021:         Central European University (Austria / online). ‘Individual and collective epistemic agency: asylum-seekers and the mediaCEU 3rd POLEMO Symposium.

Jun 2021:         NOVA Lisbon (Portugal / online). ‘Asylum seekers, epistemic injustice and the UK media’. Lisbon conference on philosophy of migration and asylum.

Apr 2021:         Cardiff University (UK / online). ‘Poverty, Meritocracy and Epistemic Injustice’ (co-authored). ‘The Illusion of Merit’: Happiness Economics and Interpersonal Relations  project conference.


Dec 2020:         University of Cologne (Germany / online). ‘Confident impostersCologne Knowledge router workshops: response to Katherine Hawley.

Dec 2020          OZSW (Netherlands / online). ‘Poverty, Meritocracy and Epistemic Injustice’ (co-authored). OZSW (Dutch Research School of Philosophy) Conference 2020.

Aug 2020:          University of Colorado, Boulder (USA / online). ‘Asylum seekers, media discrimination and personhood’The 12th Rocky Mountains Annual Ethics Conference (RoME).

Jul 2020:             University of Munich (Germany / online). ‘Asylum seekers, epistemic injustice and the UK media’. The Munich Graduate Conference in Ethics.

Jul 2020:             University of Edinburgh (UK). ‘Asylum seekers, epistemic injustice and the UK media’. The Society for Applied Philosophy: special panel on epistemic injustice and asylum  (cancelled due to the pandemic).


Sep 2019:           MANCEPT, Manchester (UK). ‘Debating Rights: (Mis)Diagnosing Epistemic and Human Rights Abuse by the UK Mainstream Media against UK Welfare Claimants’The MANCEPT 2019 Workshops: Debating Rights.

Aug 2019:        Tampere University (Finland). ‘The UK Media: Collective and Individual Responsibilities for Poverty Abuse. Social Ontology 2019: The 6th Biennial ENSO (European Network for Social Ontology) Conference

Jun 2019:        University of Cardiff (UK). Epistemic nudging: the permissibility of cognitive manipulation in resisting testimonial injusticeSociety for Applied Philosophy Annual Conference 2019.

Jun 2019:        University of Minho (Portugal). ‘Human rights legislation and UK poverty abuse: a failed case of application. X Braga Meetings on Ethics and Political Philosophy.

Jun 2019:        Newcastle University (UK). ‘The inability of UN rights legislation to address UK poverty abuse’. Association for Social & Political Philosophy Annual Conference 2019.

May 2019:       University of Kent (UK). ‘Epistemic injustice and the attention economy’. Annual SWIP-UK conference 2019: Epistemic Injustice, Reasons and Agency.

Apr 2019:        The University of Alberta (Canada). ‘‘I didn’t ask to be born’: you don’t get to give me death, just to bring about my happy life’. Conference on Death, Dying, and End Times.

Feb 2019:        The University of Johannesburg (South Africa). ‘Epistemic nudging: reclaiming our agency as marginalised knowers’. Workshop on Epistemic Injustice.

Feb 2019:       The University of Warwick (UK). ‘Negotiating with the epistemic enemy’. Warwick Graduate Conference in Political and Legal Theory 2019.

Feb 2019:        Princeton University (USA). ‘Just resistance: the permissibility of epistemic nudging in overcoming harm’. Princeton Workshop in Social Philosophy.


Nov 2018:        University College Dublin (Ireland). ‘The inability of rights legislation to address UK poverty abuse’UCD Centre for Human Rights, with University of Glasgow School of Law conference on Human Rights, Poverty and Social Justice.

Sep 2018:        The University of Cologne (Germany). ‘Epistemic resistance’. Plurality in Philosophy and Beyond: 10th International Conference of the German Society for Analytic Philosophy (GAP 10).

Aug 2018:        Leibniz University of Hanover (Germany). ‘UK austerity and epistemic exclusion’. European Network for the Philosophy of the Social Sciences (ENPOSS) 2018 (scheduled – unable to attend).

Aug 2018:        Tufts University (US). ‘The global community and remedial responsibilities’. Social Ontology 2018: 11th Biennial Collective Intentionality Conference (scheduled – unable to attend).

Aug 2018:        University of Melbourne (Australia).  ‘Epistemic nudging’Current Trends in Social Epistemology.

June 2018:        University of Pavia (Italy). ‘Epistemic injustice and the tools of the oppressor’ Contemporary Issues Across Ethics & Epistemology.

June 2018:        University of Minho (Portugal). ‘Epistemic injustice and the tools of the oppressor’ IX Braga Meetings on Ethics and Political Philosophy.

Jun 2018:           LSE: Dept of Govt (UK). ‘Just resistance: the permissibility of epistemic nudging in overcoming harm’. Injustice, Resistance, and Progress (co-sponsored with the Jean Beer Blumenfeld Center for Ethics, US).

May 2018:         ACU Melbourne (Australia). ‘Just resistance: the permissibility of epistemic nudging in overcoming epistemic harm’. Moral Epistemology.

Apr 2018:           University of Oxford (UK). ‘Just resistance: the permissibility of epistemic nudging in overcoming epistemic harm’. 2018 Oxford Graduate Conference in Political Theory.

Mar 2018:          LSE: Dept of Govt (UK). ‘Injustice, insight, and resistance’. Fourth Political Theory Graduate Conference.


Aug 2017:          University of Madrid (Spain). ‘Testimonial injustice and epistemic objectification’. Graduate and Early Career summer school in Social Epistemology.

Aug 2017:          LMU (Munich). ‘A non-instrumentalist account of epistemic objectification’. The 9th Congress of the European Society for Analytic Philosophy (ECAP 9).

Jul 2017:            Edinburgh (UK). ‘How might compensation form a part of the negative duty not to harm, in the case of global poverty?’. The 91st Joint Session of the Aristotelian Society and the Mind Association: speaker at the Postgraduate Session.

Jun 2017:           Copenhagen (Denmark). ‘Alleviating global poverty: why the easiest action is also one that is demanded of us’. Annual Conference of the Society for Applied Philosophy (SAP 2017).

May 2017:         University of St Andrews (UK). ‘Individual charitable giving and the negative duty not to harm’. St Andrews CEPPA Conference on ‘The Ethics of Giving’.

May 2017:         University of Manchester (UK). ‘Envisioning the profession we want’ (panel member). SWIP / BPA annual conference; plenary session panel member.

Apr 2017:           Stockholm University (Sweden). ‘Global Poverty and individual duties’. The 5th Stockholm Philosophy Graduate Conference.


Nov 2016:          University of Oxford (UK). ‘How might compensation form a part of the negative duty not to harm, in the case of global poverty?’. The 20th Oxford Annual Graduate Philosophy Conference.

Oct 2016:           University College Cork (Ireland). ‘Performative personhood and shared group agency’. I, You and We Phi: The First Cork Annual Workshop on Social Agency.

Sep 2016:           MANCEPT, Manchester (UK). ‘An ontological account of group-agent / individual-agent differences in responsibilities and rights’. The MANCEPT 2016 Workshops: Collective Moral Agency and Global Justice.

Aug 2016:          The Hague (Netherlands). ‘An ontological account of group-agent / individual-agent differences in responsibilities and rights’. The International Social Ontology Society (ISOS): Collective Intentionality X.

Mar 2016:          University of Tartu (Estonia). ‘Suggestions and Challenges for a Social Account of Sensitivity’. 2016 Graduate conference in Social Epistemology.