I’m a feminist, educator and lecturer at the University of Stirling.
I did my PhD at the St.Andrews/Stirling Philosophy Graduate Programme (SASP), where I also studied for the MLitt Philosophy. I received a BA in philosophy from University College London (UCL) . My PhD was funded by the Templeton project ‘Knowledge Beyond Natural Science’, Jacobsen Studentship and Aristotelian Society Student Bursary. I received the 2021-2022 Analysis Studentship for a research project on Normative Risk, hosted by the University of Stirling. From 2022 to 2023, I was a postdoctoral research associate of the AHRC sponsored research project ‘Varieties of Risk’ at the University of Edinburgh. You can find my CV here.
I work mainly in the intersection of Epistemology, Theory of Normativity and Philosophy of Mind. My current research focuses on epistemic risks in moral and political deliberation; epistemic agency; and the epistemology of political disagreement. My PhD thesis investigates the normative relation between truth and belief. Three questions arise in recent discussion. Can we explain why truth is a reason for belief? How strong is truth as a reason for belief? And in what sense can truth motivate and guide our beliefs? I defend the truth norm of belief on a reason-based normative framework and offer novel answers to those three questions. I’m also interested in a variety of topics in philosophy, including self-knowledge and self-deception, political and feminist thought, and history of philosophy (Ancient Philosophy, Kant, Marx and Chinese Philosophy).
In my spare time I enjoy cinema, literature, hiking and photography.