
Jakob Ohlhorst



I am a Postdoc at the Extreme Beliefs Group at VU Amsterdam with support from the Swiss National Science Foundation. Before that, I was as a Feodor-Lynen Fellow of the Alexander-von-Humboldt Foundation at the University of Vienna. My dissertation in Philosophy was supervised by Professor Sven Bernecker of CONCEPT at the University of Cologne and Professor Nikolaj Pedersen from Yonsei University. Trust Responsibly, my book, has been published in open access with Routledge – thanks to a grant by the Swiss National Science Foundation.

My research background is in non-evidential or hinge epistemology, virtue epistemology, and philosophy of psychology. I also work on concepts and other issues. On the latter topic, I have recently been interviewed by ChatGPT for the New Work in Philosophy substack.


I can be reached via j.[my family name]

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