In the following, I list my teaching experience:


02/2018 – 06/2018

Lecturer (Lehrbeauftragte Proseminar), University of Mannheim: Coercion, Manipulation and Nudging in State and Businesses (in German, “Zwang, Manipulation und Nudging in Staat und Unternehmen”)

09/2017 – 12/2017

Lecturer (Lehrbeauftragte Proseminar), University of Mannheim: Selected Issues in Business Ethics (in German, “Ausgewählte Themen der Wirtschafts- und Unternehmensethik”)

Teaching Assistance

02/2015 – 07/2015

Teaching Assistant (Tutorin), University of Mannheim: Business Ethics and Human Rights (in German), Prof. Bernward Gesang

09/2014 – 12/2014

Teaching Assistant (Tutorin), University of Mannheim: Economy & the Limits to Growth (in English), Prof. Bernward Gesang

02/2014 – 06/2014

Teaching Assistant (Tutorin), University of Mannheim: Business Ethics (in German), Prof. Bernward Gesang

Conducted Workshops:

17/10/2014 – Bitter Sweet: Child Labour in the Chocolate Industry – A clear Case of Double Standards? Wittenberg Center for Global Ethics.